HIDDEN IN CHILDHOOD – Edited by Gabriela Marie Milton

Gabriela Marie Milton in an award winning poet and a phenomenal writer, editor, businesswoman. Her agency, Literary Revelations, has just published this wonderful anthology of poetry related to the poets childhood and youth.

Here is the introduction to the book that Gabriela has written:

From authors featured on NPR, BBC, and the New York Times, and from emerging poets, comes a monumental anthology in which every poem sends shivers down your spine. Childhood’s joy and trauma expressed – with stunning talent and sincerity – by over 150 poets in more than 280 poems. Childhood spaces magnified by the human memory, populated by good and bad, by trips to hell and heaven, in an almost Hieronymus Bosch type of atmosphere. Over 150 voices call you to read this book. Read it. You will learn that childhood never goes away. You will be reminded of the beauty of the seraphim and the need to protect children from any form of abuse. 150 voices knock on your door. Open the door. A chorus of childhoods will tell you that our children need love.

Literary Revelations is proud to bring you this anthology and deeply grateful to all contributors for pouring out their hearts into the pages of this book.

I am proud to have two of my poems published in the anthology. I am very grateful to Gabriela and I am also very exited to read the poetry of many of my friends who are also published in this incredible book. I hope you all can get your own copy and enjoy the experiences within its pages. And I would love it if you would let me know what you think.


10 Comentarios

  1. jonicaggiano dice:

    We will read your poems Francis. Scott was just looking to see if you were in the book as we were both confident you were. Happy to see you have two and we can’t wait to read them. I love what Gabriela wrote it is so beautiful. Sending big hugs and blessings this early evening to you both.

    Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. Thank you so much Joni. Love and hugs to you both!

      Le gusta a 1 persona

  2. equipsblog dice:

    Very cool, Francisco.

    Le gusta a 1 persona

  3. Susan dice:

    Congratulations, Francisco! We’re so happy for you.

    Susan and Luc

    Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. Thank you! Hope you both are enjoying your time and trip! We miss you!

      Me gusta

  4. Congratulations Francis. I just got my books. I can’t wait to read you! 💗

    Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. Thank you Cindy. I am waiting for mine to read yours too! All the best.

      Le gusta a 1 persona

      1. 💕❤️👏👏

        Le gusta a 1 persona

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