Dear Diary, page 2

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Today an old friend arrived in town and you know that when you get a visitor from out of town who has never visited your city you kind of become a tour guide. It’s fun, you get to see things that you’ve taken for granted, you get to perhaps get to know your city a little better. But you also have to walk through crowded tourist places. You get to bump into sightseers. You have to linger behind those who don’t know where they are going and are so fascinated with all they see that you cannot even walk by them. Oh, the joys of guiding tourists…

But then I came home, started reading a book, which I have to say I started over a month ago and barely reached chapter five… I started thinking about the way things change, the ways the city that you are accustomed to begins to become a strange and foreign place… All things change, all things «evolve», and I use the term not to align myself with Darwin, whom I do not believe, but to sort of describe how things begin to get better slowly and piece by piece…

I tend to look very carefully at my surroundings all the time. People say that when I am with them my eyes are everywhere and they wonder if I am listening to them. I am, they can be quite sure of that, but I learned to be hypervigilant and I still am… I also do something that a lot of people hardly ever do, which is to look up. I look up at the roofs of buildings, and we’ve a lot of very interesting rooftops in my town, and I also look at the sky, which is on of my favourite places to observe…

I also tend to write a lot. Actually, I think of myself as a poet that paints, that writes music and that also writes poetry. But please do not misunderstand me because although I have done many other things in my life…I am pretty old…one of the things that I have done is acquire a formal art education and the first thing that I learned is that art is always, and every time, something contrived, not something spontaneous, not something intuitive… So, that means that everything I write is everything that I have put through my filter, my craft, and then made to appear as a finished artistic representation of life. In other words, it is all fiction…

All the best…

19 Comentarios

    1. Cheers my friend and you’re very welcome.

      Me gusta

  1. beth dice:

    interesting perspective on seeing your city. and the world –

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  2. Buenos paseos y descubrimientos, pues, en ese vagabundeo urbano compartido con el amigo visitante. Y celebro que, como en mi caso, también mires tejados y cornisas.


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    1. azurea20 dice:

      Es verdad. A veces descubres cosas que no conocías de tu ciudad hasta que llega a tu casa un invitado.
      Buen domingo.

      Le gusta a 1 persona

      1. Si, eso pasa mucho y es verdad. Feliz domingo Azurea.

        Me gusta

    2. Muchas gracias, y si, tengo la costumbre de mirar para arriba y para abajo, con una evitas tropiezos y con la otra descubres mundos. Un saludo y feliz domingo. Para nosotros es la diada y el día del amor, la mocaorà, así que nos vamos a comer, que otra cosa que una paella y a beber cava valenciana, claro a la hora de la comida que esta todavía es la hora de almuerzo.

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  3. Brad Osborne dice:

    You are a poet, a painter, a musician, and a writer. You are in every way an artist. Keep filling our world with your beautiful creations, my friend!

    Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. You’re the real poet my friend, thank you!

      Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. Muchas gracias 🙏🏻

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  4. Un placer, me encantan sus entradas. 😍

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    1. El placer ha sido mío igual, leyendo las suyas. Le agradezco mucho sus palabras y un saludo de València. 🙏🏻😊🙏🏻

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  5. Gracias, le devuelvo el saludo desde Castellón 😊

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    1. Bon dia y un saludo 😊

      Le gusta a 1 persona

  6. equipsblog dice:

    A Creator in many arenas and open to the world’s nuances… I’m impressed.

    Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. Thank you! All the best Pat!

      Me gusta

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