#art, Fine Art Prints…

(«Fancy a cuppa» – Image property of FBC, Omnia Caelum Studios Valencia/All Rights Reserved)

A Fine Art Print is a way to make your original image reach a larger audience. It is a reproduction, unlimited, or could be a limited series signed by the artist and indicating what the total number is and what number that particular print is. Usually this is written by hand at the lower margin of the image.

I have chosen a company, Fine Art America, as the company that will sell and ship fine art prints of some of my paintings. They do the entire transaction and all I do is supply the image and construct a virtual gallery for the collector or lover of art to choose.

We at Omnia Caelum Studios València (OCS València) sell only my original works in the various mediums that I use. We also ship all over the world. Collectors and lovers of original art should contact my representative (via Instagram where you can see the works available, and we are sorry, no NFTs yet, although soon…) @Guloshka. And to see my collections you can see them in my own Instagram page @Francisco_Bravo_Cabrera.

(If you watched and liked, please give a «like», thank you!)


4 Comentarios

  1. kristianw84 dice:

    Love this!! 😍 ☕

    Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. Thanks so much Kristian!

      Le gusta a 1 persona

  2. KK dice:

    Good one 👌

    Le gusta a 1 persona

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